The victim of a crime and/or the State Attorney, with the consent of the victim, can assert the rights of a crime victim which are provided by law and Art. 1, S. 16(b) of the State Constitution.
The following is a list of the rights available to victims:
- Victims have the right to be informed by law enforcement or the assisting agency of the right to complete a victim notification card
- Information on the role of the victim in the criminal or juvenile justice system
- Notification of arrest, release and/or escape of the accused, when possible
- The right to be informed, present and heard when relevant, at all crucial stages of criminal or juvenile justice proceedings (Includes relatives of homicide victims)
- In the case of incarcerated victims, the right to be informed and to submit written statements at all crucial stages of the criminal or juvenile proceedings
- Information on steps available to protect victims or witnesses from intimidation
- Notification of scheduling changes
- Advance notice of all court proceedings, if time permits
- The right to have a Victim Advocate present during deposition
- Consultation with the Assistant State Attorney regarding disposition of cases involving certain crimes
- A prompt and timely disposition of the case, to the extent that this right does not interfere with the constitutional rights of the accused
- Assistance in obtaining the return of recovered property unless there is a compelling reason to retain it
- Assistance and information regarding Florida crime victim compensation, restitution and community based resources
- Notification to your employer regarding necessary court appearance and explanation to creditors of serious financial strain caused by victimization
- The right to review a copy of the pre-sentence investigation report